Thursday, February 26, 2009 x 7:24 PM

Is love a tender thing? it is too
Rough, too Rude, too boisterous,
and it pricks like thorn.
-Romeo, Act I, scene iv

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou
Romeo? Deny thy fatheR and Refuse thy
name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn
my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.
-Juliet, Act II, scene ii

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
-Prince, Act V, scene iii

That's RnJ for you.


As mentioned billions of posts back;

Happy 101th post! :DD

MATH CCT WAS KEWL TODAY. 5-digit area! WTH forgot to root aft applying pythogoras theorem -.- !.

Slack day tmr xD Looking forward to the weekend.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009 x 10:27 PM

alexander william gaskarth
alexander william gaskarth - by alexa:) on

Monday, February 23, 2009 x 3:14 PM

For the record,

I am a dummy :O


I lost my phone (:

Saturday, February 21, 2009 x 11:40 PM

Screw my life i l0st my phone (: Don't bother sms-ing/calling me anymore :D

Well good news is I'm not dead yet. Playing a dumb game called mafia wars

To keep this short.. oops i forgot how to end bye.


Monday, February 16, 2009 x 9:07 PM

Holy crap lah. Found all my lost stuff while filing my math before starting on revision for TA tomorrow.

That includes my diary, my stapler, and a lot and a lot of misc. stuff that I just happened to remember I lost when I found them wth ._." OMGSWEATCRAZE! o.O"

At Code Geass R2 Ep21.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 x 9:01 PM

Sometimes I wonder..

Is it too much to ask for just two personalities?

I have overlooked the Friday the 13th! That's why i suffered from post-friday-the-13th.. :O

Saturday, February 14, 2009 x 12:36 AM


Happy Valentine's Day afterall. <3

I bet Shaun'll like this. Heh x)

The perfect song for today:
All again for you - We The Kings
(my opinion!)



Friday, February 13, 2009 x 11:33 PM

WOW at the my newly learnt/invented big word.


Yay the wasting of time every single day! T.T Getting so bored of life when its half an hour to valentine's.

Which reminds me.

No date ;O.

Instead I have CCA prac rofl; great way to spend time. ((: (And a "special" day huh.)

Anyway tmr's another scamming day .. unorginal.

Monday, February 9, 2009 x 10:02 PM

Holy crap.

I've got eczema.

Just searched wiki.

Okay I've got mild eczema.

Doctor says its cos of stress and sleeping late ;O. Why am I not surprised? Oh well one more reason for my parents to nag T.T. Haiz a $60.70 lesson learnt. Crap waste money DD: .

Yay chinese book test tmr. ((: *smacks 小王子*

And its six days to valentines' day..


Too young to die, too lost to live.

Screw this life; its too slow-paced T.T


Saturday, February 7, 2009 x 9:46 PM

Life sucks when its one week from Valentines'.

I'm beginning to wonder why every week seems so repetitive. The same games, same music, same people I'm seeing everyday, people laughing at the same jokes, worse of all, the same ol' boring life! Life sucks.

Proved my point today. My bloody shoelace got entangled in the escalator today at Lido. LMAOHAHAH. Fucking embarassing x.x"

I'm even starting to doubt I have a social life. Wow at the definition.

.. public activities performed in association with others for the purpose of pleasure ..
- uhh Google :O

I need to focus!

But I can't.

I need to have a goal in my life!

What goal? -.-

Watched some dumb movie with Chris at about 4-6. It sounds like DEE-FI-AN-CE or something.. LOL at the fiance. Boringboringboring! What's so interesting about shooting Germans.. Mr and Mrs Smith was way better lor. I would describe it painfully un-romantic. .__. BORING. Slept through half of it waste $9.50 hahah.

Spent today: $9.50 + $5.80 + $4 = $19.30

Friday, February 6, 2009 x 7:10 PM

injured .. chin ..


Valentine's day in 1 week 1 day ..

11. Complications .

Thursday, February 5, 2009 x 12:27 AM

If 'happiness' had a form, what would it look like?

I think it would be like glass, because one does not notice it normally. However, it is actually there. As proof, if you change the angle you look at it, the glass would reflect light. It would state its presence and existence more eloquently than any other thing in this world.

Even if the world were to be tainted with fake memories, it would still possess a glass, transparent colour. Always, forever, and ever..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 x 9:01 PM

How to solve ratio theorem? Wtf -.- .. Math TA tmr, lucky not tested -_-! . Twilight (book) rocks and so does dk. Ouch at tankability!

Paiseh Jiarong >.< Sorry haha!

Anyone who can chat on msn please do >.< so bored revising math. And woot :D post before 12! <3

RAWRRR. x.x"


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 x 11:09 PM

LOL, dunno why I posted this.. so cute! Many people say Twilight was a lousy movie while the other half love it. No comments, haven't watched it. D: Been spamming too much vids eh .. X:

Physics graph ain't tough. Math is though -.- Looking forward to PEPEPE tmr :D

What movie's are showing now anyway?

Monday, February 2, 2009 x 10:53 PM

To someone who thinks gym-ers(me) are gay:
FUCK OFF AND DIE (: I hope you find your way here into my blog bitch. Guitar and floorball cool lor. Fringe long cool lor. Some things just aren't defined by you alone sucker.

Other than that pissing guy whom i just delt from msn, today was slack and nth I really wanna express now that guy zzzzzzzz.

Some final words, i pwn you Joseph! :D Break dancing ftw (: !
Tmr's zuowen should be fun. >:]

ar of el = ROFL

Nites peeps > <".

Wanted to put this a long time ago..

But I thought I lost it!

Enjoy :D :

And dedicating this song to all the poor (un-literal) people out there .. D: - Crush


Sunday, February 1, 2009 x 7:07 PM

So. Cla's a really tall girl me and CL (Christopher Lesmana) met today! Gotta admit his thick-skinned-ness. ;O ;O ;O

Isn't it sad Lelouch and Suzaku shoot each other at the last season of Code Geass ? SO SADDENING WTH CANT WAIT FOR R2.

R2 starts so innocently as usual .___.


I just realised whenever I post its after 12 so I can't say today -_-.

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