Sunday, March 29, 2009 x 7:31 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 x 10:06 PM
jiayou gym team!
lazy to think of anything that happened today cos chionging math assignment. sorry
but anyway bio 23-1/35 due to honesty nice me wahahahahah bad grammar w/e!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 x 9:24 PM
Ima complain abt something I haven't since I was sec 2! ARGH ENTIRE BODY ACHING AGAIN !@#$%&!@
Shucks and comp's on 1st april ..
Monday, March 23, 2009 x 9:09 PM
WAhahahAha. First time in very longlonglong I've trained uber hard in gym prac! And wth comp's on 1st April. Not a joke though D: ARGH.
Okay time ta chiong physics and english blog ler.
Oh and watch Skip Beat! Episode 24 later.
And to all the music lovers out there, PEACE AND ROCK ON BABES .
Labels: Life
Sunday, March 22, 2009 x 8:50 AM
post-friday-the-13th again
Friday, March 20, 2009 x 7:04 PM
Shit I can't find the words to say.
Today's been ..
Passports were stolen. On a serious basis. That's the most important thing anyway. In Malaysia (see I knew it). && my Daddy's stuck at customs cos he's a PR. All cos my bro was emo-ing abt no movie.
The thief was on a car; nope not motorcycle, car wtf. He must be really experienced to just snatch away my mom's handbag like that z. And I was sleeping then shit sia. T.T Kept thinking to myself what I could have done. Which might have been nothing cos he was on a car -.- ..
Then, the stupid law says that PRs can't get in without a passport. Why is the law so impartial at times like this?
And I really jus wanna say IMY dad, I'm sorry. Haiz..
This is driving me crazyAsd12eac89q23r*@(!#)#Ueif owkjED90U Cz
Labels: Life
Thursday, March 19, 2009 x 12:27 AM
Hey y'all Mel Kano Chapter 10s out .
Would you rather live a short but good life,
or a shitty but long life?
Me choose first duh -.-"
Sunday, March 15, 2009 x 8:09 PM
LOL i missed pi day posting! -.-" Hope i passes my music theory test. And belated happy birthday Yang Terng D: .
I'm starting to lose interest in life..
SCREW this ungrateful person on msn.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 x 11:45 PM
Why do you care what they think?
Lesson learnt: Listen to me and me only.
Take off your makeup and put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures, the pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...
Keep your eyes on me, keep your eyes on me. Why do you give a damn what they think? (Sooner or late I will dominate the world! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.)
Random fact of the day!
Did you know that Nami Tamaki has dimples? :DD YAY ME FANCLUB HER 8)
Labels: Life
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 x 4:02 PM
Heyyy piano class later again ):
Theory makes me sleepy.
And the CEC investiture they supposedly spent 10k on was so shitty. RAHHHH waste of money D: Might as well split sia. Not like there was dance or anything the lights and sounds were more distracting than extra and the CEC just had lousy poses. C'mon la Leonard is that the best you can think of?
Monday, March 9, 2009 x 9:16 PM
Yay chinese was easy today. Except gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 which i didn't understand or remember.
And Friday's been declared off! Due to some pro results from RI(JC) compared since 28 years .. blahblah anyway yay! haha
Yay getting used to my new class. That means Iggy's sometimes funny and sometimes not funny puns/jokes and Sung sleeping in class and ZTC acting retarded and some other people who just are retarded. OHOH best friend too haha xD.
ThePartyScene <3
Labels: Life
Thursday, March 5, 2009 x 10:12 PM
wth I just realised so many CCTs next week. z_z"
Anyway blogging abt my fav song nowww. xD
Lipstick has a way of leaving more than just a mark on my sheets,
coloring my senses cherry red; at least for this week...
Kisses under starry night skies, talked about in song,
we play along, so bitter sweet by our design.
I'm sick and tired of writing songs about you,
This is it, this is the end...
Take off your makeup and put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures, the pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...
I've got no place in my heart for a criminal like you to dwell,
in this endeavor, make this last forever...
I'm just delirious,
You can't be serious,
You're so infamous for leaving me a mess...
Take off your makeup, put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures and pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...
She gets what she wants and she breaks what she gets,
get out while you can or she'll tear you to pieces /
"Are you having a good time sweetheart?"
Take off your makeup, put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures and pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...
Carry on home,
I'll be waiting miles and miles away,
leaving you to be forever seventeen,
cleaning up the messes that you've made.
The Girls a Straight Up Hustler - All Time Low
C'mon don't take life too hard. Jiayous all (:
(Though it gets annoyingly boring at timeszx)
Labels: Life
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 x 12:13 AM
I'm actually having time to blog and complete homework!

Here's something really funny (dumb) i found on facebook xD.
And o.o" its 12.15 Nites all :DD
Monday, March 2, 2009 x 10:20 PM
06 Dear Maria, Count Me In.mp3 - All Time LowAll Time Low rocks your socks .
I WANNA GROW UP FASTER T.T being 15 sucks!
Labels: Life
Sunday, March 1, 2009 x 11:34 AM
shit im screwed ss