Thursday, April 30, 2009 x 9:07 PM
SIAN yesterday blogger glitch can't post at 1am. Okay maybe it was this morning. But then i had a lot to say and now i forget liao. D: Craps this.
Everyone do take care, swine flu on the loose ._.
Labels: Life
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 x 11:14 PM
OMGGZZ !@(*#&&$*# D: I'm getting white hair.
And RE isn't going badly, hope it improves. Study? Maybe (later).. Argh x_x"
Labels: Life
Sunday, April 26, 2009 x 11:43 PM

The time has come! The Party Scene <3!
Listen, look, and be amazed! I'm picking up faster than you could ever imagine. And no more skipping gym nidda keep fit heh. hehehe. !@#$%^&*~!
Labels: Life
I'm sure I'll get the picturee.
Time to reflect.
Should I write myself out of the history books,
and mark a place in time for every chance you took?
Don't get me wrong I know you've got your life in place -
I've yet to take the hint,
Some day
I'm sure I'll get the picture,
and stop waiting up...
When it all comes down,
to a sunrise on the east side,
will you be there to carry home,
the remains of my wasted youth,
this wasted time on you,
has left me shaking 'n waiting,
shaking 'n waiting for something more.
Tonight is alive with the promise of a street-fight,
and there's money on the table,
that says your cheap-shots won't be able,
to break bones.
I've yet to break a sweat,
I'll make your past regret its future.
Here's to you.
When it all comes down,
to a sunrise on the east side,
will you be there to carry home,
the remains of my wasted youth,
this wasted time on you
has left me shaking in waiting,
for something more.
Make all of my decisions for me,
I've never taken the fall for deceit,
We'll keep a secret if you keep me guessing,
The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like...
Make all of my decisions for me,
I've never taken the fall for deceit,
We'll keep a secret if you keep me guessing,
The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like this
I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing,
The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me pressing,
for more than just a moment of truth between the lies told,
to pull ourselves away from the lives we leave back (home)...
I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing,
The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me here, keep me here
When it all comes down,
to a sunrise on the east side,
will you be there to carry me home?
the remains of my wasted youth,
this wasted time on you
has left me shaking in waiting,
for something more.
Coffee Shop Soundtrack - All Time Low
OMG haha damn catchy song. Be sure to listen! THE MV IS GYMNASTICS HAHAHAHA NOOBS. (although i know its on purpose)
Rushing RE now, portfolio nearly finished left the schedule. Hm? Heh ._. Okay good night everyone (;
Labels: Life
Saturday, April 25, 2009 x 10:57 PM
= DotA Allstars
Hell yeah that's right.
On to mug math!
Labels: Life
Man getting a headache explaining myself to Chris. Lazy to elaborate anything to him liao zzzz.
Sidetracking: Who has a sleep inducing remedy?! I feel damn pissed when I'm awake now T__T.
This has been the worst weekend yet I'd rather be studying ..
Labels: Lifesucks
Friday, April 24, 2009 x 10:28 PM
Sian not feeling well.
HA HARDcore gym pt results to blood loss and diarrhoea. No I didn't know how to spell that I typed on google D:
Shit not feeling well stomach still hurts D: . I shall excuse myself again ._.
Labels: Lifesucks
Thursday, April 23, 2009 x 8:31 PM
Long story short.
My teachers think I'm immature !1*$@^$%!@&*#(!@*&^# D:
Labels: Life
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 x 9:15 PM
Walao today was a damn hot day. Really really really really hot day and I failed 2.4km hahahahahaha ):
Math TA and studying for it. Standard deviation is really crazy with all the big numbers my brain can't take. But then again, practise makes perfect and I learnt that from Yao Yuan haha. New goal to beat just below 3.8 haha!
Walao tommorow's gonna be another boring day.Shit I have ptm sit-in session. Man it pisses me to talk to someone who's totally irritating cos that person's vocab very un-original wtf only got a few !@*&^#$
Anyway -.- ,
Countdown: 16 days.
Labels: Life
Monday, April 20, 2009 x 8:51 PM
Wheeeee I'm getting better at unexpectedly funny remarks hahahahahahahaha.
Reflect on what you've done for the day. Horoscopes lie they are so vague Math is hard Lawyers are stinking shitbags who lie too much Chinese is evil zuo wen like so often Acceleration can be negative
Man the lessons mislead people..
Innocence? Keep it that way.
Labels: Life
Sunday, April 19, 2009 x 7:58 PM
Dedication takes a lifetime, dreams only last for a night... Can't take my mind off that beautiful quote .. )):
Don't stand me up.. Mugging chem right now. I can't find the worksheet with about the different ion charges tmd.. Hais goodluck all for chem test tmr.. Ms Low got high expectations seh. Must study hardxzzxz ..!@#$ %&^*@
Labels: Life
Saturday, April 18, 2009 x 10:41 PM
Wow blogger's gotten smart! Two people can't login at the same time..
ORA is scammer's business. HAHA! Whee its good scamming people like BG. (Or Beck hehe.)
Lemme re-cap..
$3 for cookies
$2 for more cookies
$1 for forcibly bought rose
$1.50 for coke cocktail
$2 for icecream
And some more un-listed ones.
Damn the forcibly. How it happened per se?
Well, apparently RGS girls are too smart for their own good. Cornering people and repeatedly saying please and pouting and staring into other peeps eyes is really scary.
Yeah I'm too soft-hearted. So what?
Oh and I love my hair today HAHAHA SO SHORT LIKE SMALL BOYYYYY PERFECT FOR THE OCCASION. But still tio bullied by evil person *aka.*Muffin-woman.
I need to work out bad my hands are getting weak ever since i went to the back therapist. Eh shit I sidetracked. No actually my back hurt suddenly -.- zz.
Labels: Life
Thursday, April 16, 2009 x 10:47 PM
LOL i pity you Iggy .. I know how life can be a bitch at times, and how unreasonable people won't apologise even after doing something wrong. Its. So. Common. Even after wasting so much of your time. Which I don't have a lot of. But you also 之找麻烦 go buy sweets -_-lll.
And I'm hooked onto eating Mentos in class bwahahahahahahaha :]]. I'm sorry for falling asleep in every math lesson .. D:
Final grade of PR1 : 2.9 YAYYYYY improvement. Must get higher RARHHHHHHHHHHH!@#$.
Labels: Life
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 x 8:01 PM

Let this post sum up everything I'm interested in right now.
I hate zuo wens ): bbyeeeeeeeeee.
Labels: Life
Monday, April 13, 2009 x 10:55 PM
Blog updated.
I'm not JUST a criminal..
But I haven't finished my zuo wen (2) -_-.. But working out at the RI gym was fun. Even though I got stared at. AND I HATE MY FKING NEW LOUSY SHORT FRINGE.
Shit ORA's on sat I can't run T.T
Labels: Life
Sunday, April 12, 2009 x 11:03 PM
Shan't be too discriminatory.
Who watched CSS 2009?
The cute-boy-trend continues .. *shivers* They can change the show name to Kindergarden Superstar liao ._. all the 小不点s good luhs.
Now chionging what I should have done in three days (my homework).
Whilst I've been playing and watching anime and reading KH manga. Life is so predictable when its not me;
Labels: Life
Saturday, April 11, 2009 x 4:10 PM
Lol yes I need to work out real bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.
This was proudly brought to you by bAicHi™
And yes HCI pwns everybody at gym >_> .
Labels: Life
Sunday, April 5, 2009 x 7:46 AM
I didn't know so many artistes were gay. Haiz what's wrong with people manxz..
Ohohoh. Link to my english blog:
http://2009ri3g12.blogspot.comHaiz okay lazy to upload picture.. cos its taking so bloody long -_- Wonder if its the comp or something else haihai .