Thursday, December 31, 2009 x 12:33 AM
It's New Year's eve eve! Earliest Happy New Year Greeting from me to everyone out there from Santa Claus to the lady I helped to cross the road (which doesn't exist either). Wishing everyone a great 2010 ahead ^^.
Grahh my foot is bandaged again ):
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009 x 12:37 AM
This is so cool I am posting this post through my iPod <3!
Hahahaha what happened to the movie today -.- oh well :D anyways hols are ending real soon! That's what I say every post lmao. Kaze no Stigma is awesome; soooooo are HoN gfx x) .
Song of the day: Tik Tok - Ke$ha ! Whoooooo rly made my day.
Anw badminton in the house with hitting the ceiling considered out is rlyrly dumb! :x owe Ed/Lesm $$ xD Jr and Lyx own up too!!!@$&%#^*
Signin off,
Da Xiao Peh hahahaha
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Friday, December 25, 2009 x 10:35 AM
Bloody piano genius omggg <3
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But I'm you don't see me, you don't. Won't say its a lousy song but the lyrics are at least meaningful.
That was a hellotta britney god why am i hearing this on my bro's comp so early in the morning. In any case:
May all your wishes come true! And the same cliche stuff you probably don't wanna hear over and over again. Probably no gift exchanges and that blah. As usual.
HoN today? Hope updates work huh. 6.65 is out alr with a new christmas map (:
Watching Kaze no Stigma at the moment, anyone with good animes or dramas or anything cool please recommend tag tagboard :] As said in my previous post, tsunderes are hot; i don't see the moe craze though. Tap Tap ftw! Extreme so hard siala need 3 fingers.
Recommended song of the day: Hella good - No Doubt
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Monday, December 21, 2009 x 11:02 PM
Tsunderes are hot! Like seriously lol.
Anyway avatar is an average show =.= Budget is wayyy over the top. Two and a half hours means lotsa boring parts grahhh -.- But its definitely possible to fall in love with a race and their people after long periods of interaction. Around 5 days before i cut my hair!@(*#&($@*#&*&^@#$*&@#^$*@$^ Blue indians! lololol
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Sunday, December 20, 2009 x 10:38 PM
Oh yeah I highly recommend Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka (: Good anime. Though to Edward good animes only include One Piece and KHReborn -.-
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Free MC leech sia! I'm such a terrible slacker grahhhh. Gonna post this story I found online here. Credits to this guy I don't know. Anyway its really really really time i got started on my chinese book review =.=
After deciding to leave Maple Island for good, our traveler follows Shanks on board the ship. Within seconds they are off to Victoria Island, home to many towns and a diverse group of inhabitants. He arrives in Lith Harbor, a port town of this huge island. After looking around for a bit, he finds a man named Phil. Our traveler asks a few questions and decides the town of Nautilis sounds interesting. With a quick exchange of some hard earned mesos, he is transported to the new Pirate town.
As our hero enters Nautilis, he is amazed at what he sees. Sailing ships, diving submarines and blue water as far as the eye can see. The air is musty with the smell of salt. As he walks around, he inadvertently guards his wallet with his hand. The many pirates of the town gaze at him as if he were the day's pickings. The traveler quickly hides aboard a submarine to keep from being mugged.
As he explores this massive machine of iron and steel, he finds himself in a room with many mirrors and computers. Standing beside the helm is a girl dressed in earrings and ratty clothes. She eyes the young traveler, seeing his nervousness and chuckles. She introduces herself as Kairin, leader of the Pirates explains he will come to no harm here, so long as he doesn't go starting trouble. Our hero is relieved and begins to find his way out. She stops him and looks deep into his eyes (and subsequently his character stats). She decides he has the definate look of a Pirate, and offers to make him one. The young traveler is some what shaky. He explains JUST got to this huge island, and doesn't know what he will do yet. Should he travel north to Perion? Maybe east to Ellinia, or maybe.... The hero is stopped in his ranting by Kairin's angered gaze. He realized he has offended her by not accepting her offer quickly. He nods in agreement. Kairin places her hands on his head and his heart. She closes her eyes and our traveler begins to feel.....funny. Suddenly, a bright light illuminates the room, and out hero is taken back by a huge surge of energy. Once he gets back up, he sees Kairin smiling. She just simply says "Welcome to the family".
That was part 1 of the story. Yes story is from maple but it shows how character like maple really is! Infighters > Buccaneer > Viper Ftw!
P.S. Facebook is not for those who wanna chat really.. MSN is the one for (in)direct communication with people! Facebook is for people who are busybodies, have nothing better to do, love wasting time on their games, like sharing a little too much about everyday life, or love changing and staring at changes of people's status everyday.
That's it my speech is over have a nice remainder of holiday grahhh =.=
Labels: Life
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 x 10:14 PM
Lady Gaga's Paper Gangsta is very very very catchy (:
Gosh Lv76 only. And havent started chinese hw ROFLOL
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Monday, December 14, 2009 x 7:39 AM
Penang is boring. -End of story-
Good luck for retest guys! Gonna start on my hol hw soon. Real soon. I swear.
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Friday, December 4, 2009 x 11:29 PM
I have realised that alchohol, smoking, and guys who talk about sex and girlfriends spoil my appetite.
Wild Wild Wet was fun in any case (: Haven't swum in ages.
Soso joining back maple, audi and dragonica but world and when dunno. Anyone playing tell me whoo rofl.
To Bra: She was yum yum yum!
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