Sunday, February 28, 2010 x 8:17 PM
I realise I am oh-so-informal no matter what I do :( its part of me and I can't help it :( .. And I hate being so quiet when there are people I don't know well around me -sigh-
Lol at the facebook group: When We Were Little We Wanted To Grow Up... What The Hell Were We Thinking.
Grah my lower body still aching like crap after parkour ._. Beck's video of wall-up has a fail hahahahah! I was taking the vid damn I hope Brian uploads the pics soon.
Good song!!!
Title: Live Like We're Dying
Artist: Kris Allen
Yeah investing in this with Edward(whatever that means) to hit top 10 on billboard :)
mATH ASSIGNMENT NOT DONE >_> HOHOHO ME NOTTY BOY THIS WEEKEND WAS SO TIRING AND PACKED. :( Iggy's dota sucks lmfao and Gabriel seriously mh-s like mad wtf @ss. Ziheng's hero is some imba grrr :[[[
Labels: Life
Saturday, February 27, 2010 x 11:22 PM
Parkour is damn fun. And dangerous T.T Brian and Brandon the twins are really cool peeps :) and Beck, Kevin Goh, Ryan Seah, Bumsoo, Terry and some guy who's name I forgot attended. Woahhhh abrasions all over my arms now T.T And my thighs hurt.
Parkour ain't related to break dance but it was some fun and good workout anyway :D
Afterward ate at Superdog at Somerset MRT Station that mall (dunno what name I forgot as usual :P) and Chilli Hot Dog was ok I guess. And to keep records, Beck owes me $8 and Bumsoo owes me $5 grr the Koreans LOL.
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Friday, February 26, 2010 x 11:28 PM

Blogging twice a day is a good habit :) Keeps track of what I'm interested in and I can reflect on the day. But today is different I just wanna post something that brings back memories. Hahaha Ice-Cream Factory was one of my favourite games last time T.T The new Extreme Herder sucks :(. And its not me playing my bro plays neopets (dunno for what), but I'm playing games for him :DD
Okay gonna SA now :)
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Just came back from Match Support Badminton.. C Div team got champions, while B Div team lost to ACS for a 2nd placing with a team score of 2-3. For some reason, I'm starting to like the unite cheer. Whee Raffles~
Woah oh oh oh Kevin Beck Jun Lun you peoples say RGS very _ _ _ LY ! NOpes NOt slander or anything I didn't fill it in. ^^ Oh cool Beck and Kevin are aiming for joining street dance in JC as well :]] More the merrier! Beck and Ryan Seah can pop? That's a first.. And I'm praying if Kevin joins some dance school/lessons thingy I can join as well :):):):) But in any case if there really are auditions when I apply next year at least ima choreo some basic bboy.
Oh if you all can see the title which is 'YUMYUMYUMYUM' there is nothing particularly yummy at the moment, I just got home sweaty but not tired but tired that kinda feeling and
I'M HUNGRY!!!!! -sighs- Waiting for dinner to magically appear in my face (my dad went to dabao :D tys!) Anyway I'm really just checking if my blog shows blog titles at all o_o..
BeckyBeckyBecky is so funny. Imba Korean who can speak bits of chinese. 4G-ers rock on! (Most of them rock because I can whack them without getting whacked back whoohooo)
Okay hopefully starhub event people give me a response soon signing up for cos Kevin and Beck talk until parkour (whatever that really is) sounds damn cool. Oh god I just saw videos simple ones can look cool but isn't it epic dangerous -.- Omfg.
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Thursday, February 25, 2010 x 11:15 PM
Don't please don't please don't I'm screwed for SS. Suxx0rxazxxzx teacher and my project is due T2 W1 with 0 proposals only a few interview questions discussed in class no specific people interviewed yet and a screwed up topic of 'Low Birth Rate'. -.- Check out my group too Fei de (diedie odd jobs menial tasks), Gabriel (diediedie cameraman) & Ziheng who I don't know how responsible he is but im praying. Evan don't you dare come out in March!!!!! And apparently I'm the host/mc/主持人/the guy who appears in the 7 minute social issue vid thingy ._.
Oh but Kester's group's topic is worse I don't know how they are gonna get people to interview such screwed up questions like 'Are teenagers getting more sexually active?' which I didn't want to help him because if I say yes it sounds like I'm involved but if I say no I know I'm lying lmao. Sorry Kester :P Good luck.
Oh, and I thought gabriel was sick and screwed up enough to pick this kinda topic looks like there are people with even more sick tastes.
Baby Lal Mirch is so cute!!!!!!!11!@#

Colonnello on the right is cute too I guess o_o Lal is unreasonably unbelievably cute when she's in baby form and blushes! But she's a tomboy and she probably qualifies as tsundere so :]]]]
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From four people become three people become me and Guan Yi. Wtf J8 GV scam money put lousy shows in the afternoon -.- Valentine's Day, Nine, Little Big Soldier, well those are the ones I wouldn't have minded watching and Percy Jackson watch alr.. And the others are what Dear John, Hot Summer Days o.O, 72 Tenets of Prosperity or sth, and I'm totally ignoring the weird names like My Name is Khan and Wolfman. Anyway watched Dear John with Guan Yi because it was the earliest show. And though the girl was hot it was boring -_-. Omg: there really is such a thing. Woah the lit experts.. :(
Okay spoiler(skip it if you intend to watch it): its a guy falls in love with a girl with a big dream after two weeks of spending time together, then the guy goes back to the army they write letters, the girl marries another guy because he had cancer and an autistic son (that guy was her neighbour since young), his dad passes away tearful moment (the couple sitting on my left was kissing during that tearful moment bloody sadists!), he sells his dad's coin collection and keeps one memorable one and donates money to the guy the girl married (who has cancer) so he can spend more time with his son, they end up together after that guy dies.
Okay after re-thinking it it isn't that crappy. Themes of movie (imo worth thinking about): Dilemma between sense of duty and love, Amanda Seyfried is hot (her and her character in the show), family is important, its not impossible to find true love after spending 2 weeks with each other :):):):):):):):):):):):) OMFG OMFG OMFG I WAS RIGHT THE MALE CHAR CHANNING TATUM IS THE GUY FROM STEP UP <33333 And omfg he was also the main character in G.I. Joe but shorter hair can't tell. He is also hotter than Robert Pattinson those who disagree like dumb Siyu who dyed his hair can go and die :D!
But it feels gay when two guys watch it together -.- Dumb people who ditched us include fei de, Jun Lun who didn't pick up phone and Lionel who took too long with scout stuff grr.
Did I mention we saw Ryan Lee's girlfriend? I won't comment on pretty or not because she doesn't have long hair and I'm biased but she has perfect teeth and kinda okay nvm not commenting kinda cute I guess o_o and Ryan totally changes in personality when with her holycrappo these things do happen -_-.. Someone jio me watch little big soldier or nine!!!!!!
Okay Staff Training Day (STD) was a fun and mostly a waste of time. Gonna HoN in a while and mugging Physics Lateral Temperature or something and Math Trigo Formulas (:
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010 x 6:13 PM
o_o I thought my comp was lagging. Anyways chinese book review was a breeze :) But I'm wondering why my answers are so different from Timothy who has a 'cheat sheet' in the open-book test ._. But I read all the stories (during the test) then chose the best answers! Oh well I can only hope for the best.
14/20 for my math alternate assignment on probability I'm wondering if that means a confirmed 3.6 grade for math o_o ..
Just screwed up my first in like 2 months dota game cos of epic lag and because it was me + noob vs 2 (dunno pro or noob) gay heroes :( And I was playing with Gaybriel and Siyu so now I'm probably labelled noob or sth -.- How does Rikimaru solo a lane against Huskar and Rylai! Dumbdumbdumbdumbdumbdumbdumb me (?) !
Don't think too much! Especially when eating dinner! Spoils your appetite!
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010 x 9:54 PM
Doing physics at the moment, just finished KHReborn episode 135 where Tsuna defeats Genkishi the little hacker with X-Burner Hyper or something and his friends are captured and Irie appears in his face but he can't do a shit because his friends are captured and they are counting down for his Sky Ring OR his friends to die and the episode ended at 1. Poor Chrome! and Poor Lambo! Don't know why but I like his laughter o_o something you can't hear in manga I guess.
I think I flunked chem test today because I didn't have time to study as i prioritised salvaging my blogskin over studying for dumb test because chem test was formative anyway and wont reflect on my GP but kinda regretting it now =(..
Haiz Physics and dumb temperature formulas. Haiz Math and Trigos double angles R-formula and all that crap. Actually Trigo is kinda easy if I take the time to memorise a few formulas because the questions are so extremely standard one. Which means trigo is f!@*ing hard because I probably won't take the time I'd rather play piano or be handstanding so blood rushes to my head and I don't feel the pain on my entire freaking aching body. :(
Ohoh, and cheer up please! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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Monday, February 22, 2010 x 10:43 PM
Finally. Fucking. Salvaged my blogskin -_-.
No time to properly edit html code today leh. Wonder which people checked my blog today between like 9+ to 10:43 the skins were fugly grrr. This is last minute salvatation i'll edit blogskin again if i feel like it. T.T
Anyway I feel like a fanboy suddenly. Chrome Dukuro from KHReborn is so hot ^_^ [I am not gabriel goh therefore I'm not looking at her figure only =) characterwise she's hot too]
Chromechromechromechrome! This colour represents the mist:) Why does she end up with Hibari (if they do)?! Hais. Chrome is cute in the sense that she is like a tsundere but she isn't one! She's emotional but not weak, reliant on others without noticing it but able to be independent, sweet (definitely dere) but lacking on the cheerfulness but still cute! And what's more ima post a pic:

I have to say; this is fanart so it may or may not be anything like Chrome. :] Its cute in any case and gives me this vintage feeling. Pro artist check out how it was drawn here: .
Credits as usual to deviantart for the pwnage artists who post their work online :]]
Chem test tmr. I have no idea whether the grading is formative or summative but I spent most of my time fixing my damned skin grrrr lol.
Song of the Day: Weightless
Artist: All Time Low
Album: Nothing Personal
This never gets old x)
Labels: Life
Sunday, February 21, 2010 x 11:46 PM
Whooo! I don't owe Yen Ter anymore Kinder Joys!

Check out the secret agent I implanted. Deviantart ftwftwftwftw!
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The internet removes the two biggest aids in detecting sarcasm
1)The tone of voice
2)the assumption that the other person is sane
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I've decided on Justin Timberlake's songs, even though they aren't me me they are still unique in terms of beat =)
Nearly done with my 2 min speech :]]]]]]]]
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Cough cough go away! Just had my medicine again so gonna feel sleepy while writing my 2 minute speech for tmr's social issue.
Singapore youths today are politically apathetic. How do I disagree with such a dumb straightforward statement?
LOL the people who post on comments include a lot of PAP insulting. And I might just agree that the PAP may need a paradigm shift.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010 x 5:29 PM
My back! Oh my back I nidda see a doctor soon =( Hibari is win!
Thx eddy I just noticed the epic short list ._. LOL.
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010 x 7:35 PM
Lol. What. No! I'm back on KHReborn! Ima choreo my own rocktoprock for my audition next year so I'm finding a good song now! Recommendations anyone? =) Step Up 1 is a frickin cool movie :]]
I realised I can do some power moves just by being fit now I need more guts and a place to play breaking =( Mr Brown :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)!
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010 x 11:05 PM
Limerence is a good word. Good good word for all teen couples out there wiki it!
"quoted from shaun's blog"
Time is passing quickly again gawsh I hate CNY when you are sick and don't feel like going out and I agree with people when you are about to turn 16 computer games just stop feeling fun -.-
Though that is 3 more months for me.
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That's it people I am abstaining from HoN. Its pissing people off its pissing me off by how its pissing people off and some people are so addicted its pissing me and people off. And that's how it is.
I haven't really killed much homework yet. Coming for you now!
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Lately I've been getting tired of hearing my phone ring because the same person rings me you hon addict -.-
I edited this post thrice so there are three paragraphs im heading off to kill some homework =)
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Monday, February 15, 2010 x 10:24 PM
We should get rid of the word un-discreet (indiscreet actually) and start using words (which isnt really a word) like not-so-secret!
Wouldn't life be more fun that way!!!
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Sunday, February 14, 2010 x 10:30 PM
Okay talking to fang chen on msn is as fun as ever =)
Look at this I haven't done this crap in ages but I did cos I was told to what a guai kid right:
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Musician Doo doo de doo waaaa doo de doo! (<-- That's you playing something.) Everyone appreciates the band/orchestra geeks and the pretty voices. Whether you sing in the choir, participate in a school/local band, or sit at home writing music, you contribute a joy to society that everyone can agree on. Yay! Welcome to actually doing something for poor, pathetic human souls. (Just kidding.) |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Anime Nerd | |
Drama Nerd | |
Literature Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
Artistic Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
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Taken from rotten tomatoes about about Percy Jackson (the movie):

Eat this Percy. *facepalming at all those who call him hot grrrr*
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Time to go out to bai nian =) On this fateful day,

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At this rate I am really gonna die. Spent most of yesterday sleeping and my fever was stil 39.7++ at night. Woke up with no fever and some epic backache and feeling like I've grown a few cm taller but I don't know how true is that -.-.
Oh anyway before I die Happy Valentine's Day everyone :]] Live everyday like it could be your last =)
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Friday, February 12, 2010 x 9:12 PM
I am officially sick. Slight fever, muscle ache, fucking bad cough sweet just before CNY. This is gonna be the worst CNY ever sick and bad hair everyday -.-
Andand, Percy Jackson was just an another average show with a over-rated trailer lmao. Funny at parts but story was kinda cliche, and Percy is just a dumb name where people "close to you" call you "pierce" or "perce" which sounds even dumber and I'm pissed off I went for the movie anyway because (well any of you would be) if you were sitting beside iggy during a movie.
GOD IM TRAUMATISED. I think Iggy is gay. (Winner statement :]] ) He puts his arm on the side and LEANS AND LEANS AND LEANS OVER TO MY SIDE UNTIL I WANNA FALL OVER MY CHAIR >=( Woots. And to my left was Iggy, and to my right was some girl I don't know so i don't even know how to sit godamnit. Iggy is the symbol of everything I hate well mostly, but for some reason people can get more pissed off with Yang Yang than Iggy wtf.
Iggy = ..


The one on the right. And from today declared as G@Y as well. Credits to wherever I took the images from.
Seriously. Reconsider if you are watching a movie with Iggy. Even more esp, if you are sitting beside him, or if you know you will.
(2 more movies I wanna watch!!)
Oh and I've fallen sick im just repeating but I nearly fell down when just standing up normally I think I'm dying maybe my 3 month prediction (crap) left to live prophecy is coming true O: Goodbye everyone I love you (maybe except Iggy) [well in case I do not wake up tmr -.-]
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I'm gonna die soon. My right shoulder's aching like crap and having some kinda coughing madness. And I'm gonna die soon. Whoopeeee >_>
Just to clarify with our dear Eugene Phua I am never swimming ever again for any events swimming kills me and I am CLEARLY NOT SWIMMING MATERIAL. And the chlorine in my hair afterward is feels disgusting. Right? Right? Right? Hah you agree with me chlorine in your hair sucks =( (Wonder how swimmers deal with it -.-)
Slept once I got home yesterday. And I woke just about now and (!@*&#!@# never charge my ipod -.- Slept for 7-8 hours (?) yet still bloody tired zz. FUCK SWIMMING YAY ITS OVER @_@
Oh and leaving for school in 10 minutes this sucks I didn't get to really charge my ipod T.T
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010 x 6:36 PM
Youtube is overly distracting when you are trying to do proper homework esp when you can't find info on the web and you don't have any idea how to tackle a question because you cant think of any negative responses.
Grr Singapore youths today are politically apathetic who cares no one cares what youths have to say anyway right. Getting more andmore and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more disinterested in school why are my classes and teachers so boring!
100m freestyle and 100m breaststroke events tmr. And I still have cramps from last week's 50m swim halfway freestyle.

It walks!
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Looooool sch sucksxzzzzzxz so tired and think I'm falling sick soon -.- pe sucks when it's 3rd period
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Monday, February 8, 2010 x 10:46 PM
I gotta say this..
IT SUCKS not being able to do anything for people you love dearly.. And this is like what my 3rd or 4th post today -.-I'm not sensitive or extra emotional today maybe a little touch-y?
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I just needed to post this. New type of people I hate: the kind who openly puts words into other's people's mouths. O:
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Leg cramp -.- Grrrrrrrrrr only did 9 pull ups today I feel like a loser now
Lazy to scan the piece of paper, but I realised how bored we people are in chinese class :] Writing stories word by word by different person hohoho :D
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Sunday, February 7, 2010 x 9:43 PM
4 days to valentine's day! (the movie)
7 days to valentine's day! (the DAY)
7 days to chinese new year! (ang paos)
And this blog officially has 2 authors! Intro yourself when you want/can/whatever
& Read my essay about global warming!
i havent finished chem homework and im the chem rep and i dont really care =( oh and SORRY LAWRENCE i cant fix the freaking bnet thingy so i cant dota with you =(( Anyone with a webby to manual patch pls help me D:
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i am really bored and i cant concentrate on my global warming compo
spamming this song: :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) - ALL TIME LOW
Dunno why but hooked back on it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D im late for my submission -.-
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Thursday, February 4, 2010 x 11:07 PM
Another day I feel like double posting. Actually I'm just lazy to edit that post but whatever -.-"
Oh well, post again jiu post again makes my blog less lonely =)
Good night people (?) Umms, ima sleep. How can there be freaking advantages of teens being politically apathetic?!@#$!
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Zz shouldn't have swum. After being epic blur and missing 50 breaststroke, I went to swim 50m freestyle. 50m only -.- and i only made it half the way with front crawl before I nearly drowned then I finished last using breaststroke. After finish then epic headache -.-
What an epic sucky day O: .. (whoohoo tmr is total defence day celebration) -.-
Back to BOF, really spoiling my mood now [KIDNAPPING SCENE] o_o"
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010 x 11:15 PM
Yups. Whatsucks (on youtube) is actually quite funny. Should I swim tmr?
*still contemplating -.-* Will bring my trunks in any case O: .. I don't think I'll make qualifying time in any case zzzzzxzxz
Honestly, I don't really like Keri Hilson ><" .
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010 x 3:30 PM
Today is a rare day. You all should go buy lottery because its one of those rare days i feel like double posting ._." Wtf keyboard damn bloooooody lag.
Hi My Sweetheart is a good show with a horribly short last episode =( Recommended!
Plot sypnopsis: (Highlight below for spoiler)
Xue Hai (Show Luo) is a boy who comes from a very wealthy family and has been protected by his family all his life. One day he decides to move out of home and study abroad in Hangzhou. Xue Hai's oldest sister helps give him the alias of Lin Da Lang, a supposably extremely poor student, in order to protect his identity. In Da Lang's new university, he meets Bao Zhu (Rainie Yang) who protects him from bullies who tease him for being a dork. In turn, Da Lang promises to be Bao Zhu's close friend and they eventually fall in love with each other. After Bao Zhu wins a "Sweetheart Queen" competition, she becomes known as the school "Sweetheart", but during this time, Bao Zhu's father goes bankrupt, flees, and leaves her mother behind. Using Bao Zhu's father as an example of failure, Bao Zhu's mother forces Bao Zhu to date someone wealthier, so she tells her to break up with Da Lang. After promising a date with Da Lang and escaping her mother, Bao Zhu is hit by a car and rushed to the hospital before Da Lang is able to prove his wealth with a wedding ring. While Bao Zhu is undergoing surgery, Da Lang calls her because she did not come to the date on time but Bao Zhu's mother picks up the phone instead. Because she does not know Da Lang's true identity, Bao Zhu's mother lies to Da Lang, telling him that Bao Zhu has gone to Europe for an arranged marriage with a wealthier person. Due to this misunderstanding, Bao Zhu and Da Lang lose contact. Thinking that he got dumped by his first love, Xue Hai drops his alias as Da Lang. Three years later, Xue Hai has become a play-boy with a makeover. After hearing Bao Zhu's familiar voice on the radio as a DJ, Xue Hai decides to buy the entire station in order to be Bao Zhu's boss and seek revenge. However, when Xue Hai sees Bao Zhu dating other people, he comes to realize that he stills loves her.And oh damns, I can't rmb what I wanted to type really badly which is why i wanted to start this post in the first place grrrrrr.
Post again if I rmb what it was.
Anyway to Mr Crazy Teddy Bear: I don't need a talking teddy bear that'll just freak me out O: $5 some more scam my money!
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Double chinesesesesesese todayayayayayay -_-
-this is posted in sch-
Will man lose the war against nature in global warming??! Ohwell whatever I wouldn't care if I didn't have to write an essay abt it. Wth is doraemon doing on my Chinese ws!! Grr i knew I should have bought chocolate to survive in Chinese with the new storyteller teacher ._.
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